Installation for biological waste processing

The investment constituting the composting facilities with bio-filters located within the area of the recycling facility CORIMP included the following facilities: the building of composting facility containing 8 bioreactors, bio filter, constituting a roofed part and separated with three walls, the zone of hardened square in front of the compositing building, within which there are 10 prisms of intermediate and final maturing of the compost and installations.

Investor: Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Komunalnych CORIMP Sp. z o.o.

Location: Bydgoski Park Przemysłowo-Technologiczny


Scope of works: Investor supervision

Duration of the realization: 2013

Technical parameters of the building
Area of the plot:
5 550,00 m2
Total area of the development of the buildings: 1 299,50 m2
Biologically active area: 620,00 m2


Biuro Inwestycyjne Budownictwa Sp. z o. o.
ul. Chodkiewicza 14/2
85-064 Bydgoszcz

KRS: 0000043234, Sąd Rejonowy w Bydgoszczy XIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
NIP: 554-22-05-149
REGON: 09232730
Kapitał zakładowy: 50 000,00 PLN